Sunday, May 17, 2020

Social Media And Its Effects On Society - 1385 Words

Ever just wonder and think about the government being able to see what you’re doing online, on social media. You might be talking to someone and you think you’re safe and think no one can see the conversation but people can see it like the government. Us people don’t think about what we post on social media and that can hurt us if we are trying to get a job or anything like that, even if we put our profile on private the stuff we put out there can be found some way. A lot of people feel that the government shouldn’t be able to see what we do online because it’s our personal life and there are some things we don’t want other to be able to see. We deserve to have some type of privacy and we don’t deserve to just be watched by people we don’t†¦show more content†¦Throughout the years, electronic devices have become more dangerous, and although it’s emerged to protect communications and personal identity. In some sit uations, there’s indifference between technical concept and legal moral concept of privacy. â€Å"Any media analyses and design generalizes methods throughout the modern era† (Clement 31). Debate about privacy has been structured as a series of tradeoffs and assertion on rights. Privacy raises new concerns about the nature of privacy and the means by which individual privacy might be compromised or protected. Although today’s concerns about big data reflect both the substantial increases in the amount of data being collected and associated changes, both actual and potential, in how they are used. Likewise, the ability to make intimate personal decisions without government interference is considered to be privacy right, as is protection from discrimination on the basis of certain personal characteristics† such as race, gender, or genome† (Clement 36). Concern with the rise of mass media such as newspapers in the 19th century led to legal protecti ons against the harms or adverse consequences of â€Å"intrusion upon seclusion,† public disclosure of private facts, and unauthorized use of name or likeness in commerce ( Clement 33). Radio communications led to 20th century laws against the interception of private communications laws that

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